I am moving... 1:33 PM

Hello...thanks for your support for the past few years. I am moving to a new address due to some technical problem.

New add=> http://memoire-of-life.blogspot.com

Carpe Diem ~

This does not feel good... 11:48 PM

I do not understand why some people must make others life difficult... Please try to understand and realise that we did our best and we did try...

Sometimes I really wish I had not go for the engagement, even though it is the first for me and definitely an eye-opener, the follow up is definitely NOT an easy one. Kinda give up on it and just let those people high up on the other side of the see-saw to do whatever they wish.

The morale is depleting fast...

WALL-E and some thoughts.... 9:29 PM

Catched yet another great cartoon from Disney & Pixar, WALL-E.

Since I watched the trailer, I have been wanting to watch this movie, cos WALL-E is simply cute! His innocent eyes especially, and I am amazed by the creators and directors and all those who worked on this piece that they actually successfully infuse emotions into this robot, and make "him" so human, and I followed his emotions throughout the movie! I was attracted to the movie cos I love to watch cartoon and the story seems interesting to me, love between two robots, how cute!! But it is more than just love between the robots, some other things in the one plus hour movie hit me harder than love.

This little robot, cleaning up the mess the human created, alone in the place where the human used to stay, the Earth. Everyday, not knowing and not counting the days, he diligently pulled in the trashes using his arms into his tummy, squeeze them into a cube, and arrange them nicely. By doing so for as many years and he can remember, he builds towers of "cube trash". He has this little treasure box which he keeps the knick-knacks he found during his daily routine and will take these treasures back to his little container, his home.

Then on one fine day, as usual he churns out the cube trashes and arranges them, he came to a refridgerator, and to his delight, he saw something he has never seen before, a plant. A green small baby plant, peeping out from a boot filled with soil. This of course, went to his treasure box, and this plant brought him his girlfriend, EVE. EVE is on a mission to discover signs of life in the Earth, and she is to bring back the info to the space craft where the humans are living there since the Earth is no longer suitable to live.

What hit me the most is what happens in the space craft where the human lives, the AXIOM. ALL the people there are overweight to the extent they loss their bone mass and they cant even stand!!! Everyone is talking to everyone via the little TV screen in front of them, which comes together with the "car" they use to travel. Everyone is so engross in their own world that they do not pay attention to the things around them. All they need to do in the space craft to live is just to give command, either by pushing buttons on their cars or call for the robots (equivalent to the maids in modern days). They are actually degenerating!!

Everything seems so possible to me, all the high-tech gadgets and inventions are suppose to solve our problem and for our convenience, but it has come to a stage where we become dependent on them and we loss our ability to live.

We become numb to the world around us, we loss our gift to be able to listen, feel, and see. We become dependent on the internet that the first thing we do when we come in contact with a PC is to connect to the internet and get "connected" to the whole world, but we are get less connected to the people in our lives and the surroundings. That is the paradox of life. It is suppose to connect us and bring us closer, but somehow we just drift further apart. The thought that we will have to live in outer space and survive on artificial sunlight, moonlight and life pleasures just scare me.

WALL-E, a humble robot taught me a lesson.

Before I get "disconnected" to the world, let me finish my online drama first.....

p/s: WALL-E stands for Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth-class

orange & cat

泰国旅之 Cozy Bangkok 12:26 PM


飞机晚上大马时间八点起飞,到达泰国 Survanabhumi 国际机场是当地时间十一点。真感谢Ong和Eve来机场接我们到客栈。从曼谷市区到飞机场大约要一个小时的车程,从我们的客栈到Ong的家需要另一个小时。。。他们还为我们准备了手机和预付卡,方便我们联络他们。实在是感动。。。

我们在曼谷的栖息地点是座落在 Hualamphong 区的Cozy Bangkok,是一个好地方。真的有在家的感觉,干净又舒服。可以上网也可以洗衣服,当然要付钱啦。但是有免费咖啡,有冰箱给你存放食物,有客厅可以看电视,也有其他游客留下的各种书籍供你免费阅读。店长是一对友善的夫妻,和他们的一条老的黄金寻回犬。要怎么去哪里都可以问他们,他们还会将地点的泰文写给我们,好让我们问路。

Cozy Bangkok



orange & cat

变。不变。 9:45 PM













现在 vs 以前,变了吗?

orange & cat

亿“大佬” 1:25 AM


他大我整十五年,1969 年出生,天枰座。




隔天,1999年9月8日(星期三),如常的,妈妈没煮饭,因为有pasar malam。下午五点多,爸爸回来了,电话响了,姐姐接了。







也从那开始,人生观改变了。深深的领悟到生命是那么的脆弱,未来是那么的无法预测。所以,一切不再那么的理所当然,不再 take things for granted 。

I have learnt a lesson, but the lesson costs me my brother's life.


敬 大佬

Sleepless in Bukit Batok..... 11:49 PM

What do you do when you can't sleep?

On this sleepless night, I wonder what are the alternatives available for me, and these are what I've got.

I can either:

Count sheeps (can I count cats instead cos I like them better)

Continue rolling in the bed, hoping to find the perfect position (hmm...)

Take a walk (What about Mas Selamat....)

Work (??!)

Read (but I don't feel like using my eyes...)

Surf net (same as above)

Watch TV (SAME as above)

Drink warm milk (no inventory at hand)

Listen to songs/ music (laptop a bit too far, and phone's batt is running low..)

Imagine that I am resting at a quiet and nice and relaxing beach (which makes my brain even more active)

Try to let my mind drift (the harder I try, the harder it is...)

Kacau my friends (no one for me to kacau...)

Eat something (like what....?)



In the end, here I am blogging......


Going to try my luck now.....

orange & cat